Well the new web site is live and the blog has been transferred. I hope you have all managed to follow me here.
I am trying to get to grips with WordPress. Erm...... interesting! I remember now why I chose Blogger! Still I guess I will get there eventually.
I hope you will take a look at the new web site as well as reading the blog. The galleries are all updated with new work and my paintings. The shop is also expanded and sells lots of new items from paints and powders to Artgirlz charms, Texere yarns, wonderful new colours of Sari Yarns, Paints and Powders, Organza etc, etc.
- Artgirlz Charms
- Indian Ocean Sari Yarn
- Tibet Sari yarn
- Organza
- Markal Oil sticks
I have discovered your shop, and see that you have some books due to be published. Do you have a publishing date?