
30 March 2010

Where has spring gone?

“What garlic is to food, insanity is to art.”

That explains a lot then.

The quilt top I made many, many months ago is now pinned (thanks to friends for helping!) and machine stitched.  It was meant to be completed on the long arm quilter……… but you know why that didn’t happen.
Stitching a straight line is not my speciality, so its “stitch sometimes in the ditch”.
Give me FME any day.


The weather is still awful, I thought Spring was here but this week its rain and more rain with snow.  Everyone is on flood alert again.  The bunny is soggy and cold (I’ve just wrapped him up in his fleece blanket), the snow drops have died and there are no signs of any daffodil flowers.

Everyone else in blog land seems to have gardens overflowing with bright spring colours. 

Not here. 
Everything is still very dead looking, the grass is the only part that looks any greener. 


Yesterday during a trip to Newcastle, I saw this poster in the Laing Gallery – I saw an Hokusai exhibition in London at the Royal Academy in the early 1990’s.  Seems its finally coming north!


Last week I went to Paxton House and arranged for a solo exhibition in June 2011.  Exact dates tbc. 
Something to look forward to.  There will be a mix of paintings and textiles. 


My exhibiting and teaching at Loch Lomond quilt show has been postponed until May 2012 to give me time to get some new textile work complete and maybe even get a book finished started.

1 comment:

  1. it's far too early for gardens to be full of flowers, here in Montreal.
    the snow has left us . . . but bits of it remain, here and there in the city.
    Congratulations on the Exhibition.
