
30 March 2010

Here we go again


This was taken at 6pm.  Most of this river is now flowing over this field, the next field and past my house.  (Arrow marks us).  A few feet from the kitchen door it’s up to the top of my wellies.  We are just waiting and waiting….. and hoping it starts to recede as it’s already into the garden in two areas.  But rain is forecast all night and for the next few days, but what can you do? 

The river is 7ft higher than normal at the ford, thank goodness the Environment Agency have done some work recently to lower the road to the ford so some water water is going down there. But already the plumbing is screwed – we have a Portaloo and as the well will be contaminated with all this surface water its bottled water for at least two weeks.  Oh joy. 
And that’s not considering the damage if it floods the kitchen……. All we can do is watch and wait.

Yes, we’ve moved the rabbit to higher ground. 

It’s going to be a long, long night.

And its got to rain all night and tomorrow too. 


  1. Luckily we are on high ground here, but a number of years ago the river was threatening to burst it's banks and all the residents along with the coastal authority had a huge sandbagging effort. Where we live is an estuary so they knew the problem times were going to be high tide. Luckily they saved the two towns but we were marooned for a couple of days because of low spots on the road either side. You must have broken a mirror!!!!

  2. You are having a run of bad luck with the weather this year. I hope that the weather forecasters have got it wrong about all the rain.

  3. good luck Helen - you certainly are having a bad year!

  4. Oh no! How much more can you take?!
    I was hoping the worst was over for you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed everything will be okay. Good luck.

  5. I keep thinking there can't be more rain left in the sky, then it rains again!!!!! Are you going away for Easter? If so put the bunny on stilts just in case.
    We have had so much rain down here the garden is waterlogged and last night i think with the high winds the rain came through the front door, am fed up and can't wait for the lakes on saturday, and yes the forecast is rain but we have waterproofs and we won't shrink if we do get wet!!! It's our last week together before Bruce goes away to 35 degree days and 25 degree nights. Bring on september.................
    Good luck, hope all will be ok xx

  6. andrea Waistell5:15 pm

    Hi Helen, hope the rain stops soon and things start to dry out. Glad Bunny is okay.
    You are having nearly as bad a start to your year as a doggie friend, and I bet neither of you broke any mirrors. Still at least the actual daylight length is getting longer.
    Keep well

  7. Oh, Helen, how truely awful and I can only hope with all my heart that the snow we've been having all night and all today is not coming your way next! Hang in there!!
