
25 March 2010

Quotes and new work

Quotation copied from a friends blog;

Albert Einstein said:
"One of the strongest motives that lead to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness."

Well having had careers in both Art and Science I can agree totally.

And this one that's just come through from the SAQA list:
"It is better to make something decorative and discover that it is
considered art than to attempt to create art and find that it is considered

The drama continues here…. because I am fitting a different roof to the new studio (fibreglass rather than felt) I need to go through a FULL planning permission application again – another £150 and three months of worrying.  Though the planning officer basically told me to build it and then apply retrospectively as he really didn’t see a problem.  Everything else will be the same except a new door as the old one is in pieces.  More money to Northumberland County Council coffers.

Anyway, lets smile, be happy and have some colour to cheer us up. 

Here is a small piece (20x29cm - Impressions 6001) I completed (and framed) this week.  Remember I challenged myself to make something from a selection pack?  Well I added more fabric (the dark organza and painted sizoflor), some beads and a few extra threads but did use up almost everything from the pack except from some silver gimp thread.

Then I had fun photographing the piece and enjoyed this as much as the stitching.  Its for sale at £49 plus shipping if I can work out how to ship a framed piece.  On Sunday it goes to Deugar Red Art Gallery in Rothbury.

Impressions 6001

Impressions 6001 close 4

Impressions 6001 close1

Impressions 6001 close 2 Impressions 6001 close 3  Impressions 6001 close 5 

But actually having just looked at it again……
I love the colours so much I might decide to keep it myself!


  1. I love the piece, Helen and also the beautiful photography! I can well imagine (!) that you want to keep it. Hopefully it will keep you inspired when dealing with all that bureaucracy!

  2. Janice Perkin9:16 pm

    i love the piece- feels like spring and summer rolled into one!!!great photos too

  3. It is beautiful Helen and I do love the way you photograph things.
