
11 March 2010

Yes! I managed an afternoon of work!

I repositioned a few pieces and added in some darker voile.  Which do you prefer?

First attempt;


Today; – looks a bit wonky here, I wonder if it really is?  Must go and check.  I think its better without the darker voile.  Maybe….. not quite right yet.  I took out the three squares at the top…… maybe I should have stopped at the first impression?  but then I really like the continuity of the layers in this…… plus it has to fit into an Ikea frame 20x29cm aperture so that limits me and the squares were right at the very top.  Will go and pin it up on the armchair and stare at it this evening.



What else today?  I had to open a new roll of wadding – so heavy I could only just lift it onto the table.


I turned up a tunic that's lovely, but the company seems to think everyone is 6ft tall.  Long tunics on 5ft tall woman make them look even smaller……(if that's possible).  I am still loving that Pfaff for plain stitching.


Did I say I was going to do 5 Towers for FoQ?  Make it 7 for luck.


And hassles with neighbours have started.  This afternoon the whole house was invaded by this dense smoke and it still stinks.  This is the view from our kitchen window.  DS had to come in from the garden as it smelt so badly you couldn’t catch your breath.  Oh what fun.



  1. Hi - preferred first attempt because the lace is more visible, and I liked the tab things - reminded me of the Indian stuff that influences you, but in a non-Indian colour palette. First attempts are more likely to be intuitive than those prodeced after rational reflection - mine are always better - hence my not liking all that messing we used to co at CandG abstracting and manipulating patters! - Anne

  2. Janice Perkin7:01 pm

    I like both - so no help there!! - what a lot of smoke
