
10 March 2010

Pottering and learning something new

Glad you liked yesterdays picture.  Kerry said >You were born a 100 years too late.  You look straight out of a Victorian profile. <

Well, I’ve always said this.  Can you imagine my curves and cleavage in a corset?  There is a corset maker in Paris (I forget the name) who makes custom corsets for the likes of Dita Von Tesse and Helen Bonham-Carter, if I had the money I’d be there getting measured.  I love the pre-Raphaelites and I could easily be there – think of the pictures with the embroiderers, knights in shinning armour, castles and suitors…… *sigh*

I love wearing long skirts or dresses with boots – not that I do that much these days, but I used to and when I loose weight I’ll be there again.

So what’s been happening in the unit?  Well, I do find it hard to get going on work – and can’t face larger, complicated projects just yet.  A few weeks ago I got a pack of fabric and challenged myself to see what I could do with it.  Here’s the start.  I wanted to bring it home to start stitching – but most of my pins were in the house so I couldn't move it - see how little things are frustrating.  These pictures were taken last Friday and I haven't been able to get back to the unit to work so far this week.  Will be there tomorrow afternoon (Thursday).

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I’m also determined to finish my History of Art course.  I had a shock when I realised I’d started it in 2005.  Must get it finished before the 21st April as that’s when I start a new course.P1010528


  1. I love those colours, maybe a change (albeit difficult) will prompt some interesting new works direction as well????

  2. andrea Waistell2:50 pm

    Reminds me of a very luxurious bed :-)

  3. Hi - you didn't stick with the greys then? I have to say I prefer the turquiose and mauve! - Anne

  4. Beautiful colours, Helen, and good luck with your course. Which course are you going to do next?

  5. Janice Perkin8:26 pm

    love the colours - makes me think of the sea in summer
