
11 September 2016

First day at Festival of Quilts

 I was undertaking photography for the Quilters Guild and having great fun, BUT the lighting is AWFUL.

REALLY TRULY DREADFUL, not only dark in places but an awful yellow cast.

It took a few hours of Photoshop processing to create good pictures. (See below)

2016 08 11 19 26 36

And my piece?  Well I knew the composition wasn’t right, but it was an experiment and will evolve into other pieces.
It did get a Judges Choice award though.

VERY pleased with that.

2016 08 11 11 27 39

2016 08 11 11 27 33

Some photographs from the show - the brief was to capture young people and threads, fabrics etc.
Here are just a few;
Indian dangles
Fabrics 3
Fabrics 4
Print blocks
Papers 2
Threads 6
Threads 7

1 comment:

  1. I love your quilt. It's an eye-catching piece and just fabulous. Congratulations on the award!
