
26 September 2016

Dyeing days

Had a few days of dyeing recently.
Here’s snapshot of one session. 

Some larger cotton dresses (more on this later) and small colourful pieces which I intend to use with felted backgrounds and possibly a hare or two….. or three of four.

Fabrics at the top are soaking in soda ash, the procion dyes are ready to be measured out.

2016 08 31 13 06 11

As a scientist I love the mix of accuracy, witchcraft and fate.
(Ex- scientist I guess, as its been over 20 years since I was in a research lab.  I still miss it very much) 

2016 09 01 09 00 36

2016 09 01 09 31 02


  1. Anonymous6:03 pm

    What a lovely line full of scrunptiousness. Glad I don't have to iron it all though! :-) I shall wiat with bated breth to see what you do with them.

  2. Fabulous array of colours, How could you bear to take them down, they look so lovely as pinned out, a bit like prayer flags.
