
28 July 2016

What do you do.....

2016 07 25 16 52 48

…. with costumes you’ve sewn, embroidered and put your soul into when they have been used for talks and exhibitions that are now out of date, past, gone, forgotten?

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This one has already been taken to pieces to reuse the silks.
Some people are horrified when I tell them.

But REALLY what other options are there? 

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  1. Keep wedging them into a cupboard. Then in a surprise move, someone invites you to have a solo show in their gallery! (Lady Sew and Sew next March)

    You could bring them out for people who haven't seen. Show them at the Festival of Quilts. If you don't already know Wendy Gardiner, I will put you in touch with her! Too late for this year, but you have plenty of material for the years ahead!

    But I do understand. Mother of 1 son and only so much wardrobe space!

  2. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Store them for when you have your big retrospective? :-)
