
26 May 2016

K&S in Edinburgh

For the first time the K&S show came north, across the border indeed - to Edinburgh.

I’m about 1.5hrs south of Edinburgh and 2.5hrs north of Harrogate, so it was refreshing not to have to drive quite so far.

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I came home with some wonderful supplies from Art Van Go.

2016 05 05 13 32 32

 Threads and silks

2016 05 05 13 28 01

Dress fabrics - for when I have SPARE time

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And a bag kit a lovely sparkling pink fabric! 
Different for me but it just jumped into my hands.

The show was not so well attended…. COME ON PEOPLE - IF YOU DON’T ATTEND THEY WON’T RUN IT AGAIN! 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post Helen. So you're home again?
    You are right about attendance to the show you went to. they had it in Tatton Park twice I think and would have been ideal for me, but they didn't run it there again.
