
5 December 2015

The first Hare

So to the first hare….. as I’m writing this after its finished I can tell you that it's going to be culled!

I should have stopped early on as I knew it wasn’t right.
Oh well, life would be boring if it was all perfect wouldn’t it?
(I wouldn’t mind testing the theory though!)

So here he is….. but ….. he’s not going on to be used.
I’ll admit to my mistakes!

He started off really well.
2015 11 20 11 50 00

2015 11 20 14 37 40

But …… no, hate it.
Filling in and shading with the chippings just doesn’t do it for me. 

2015 11 25 09 00 08

So, onwards and upwards......maybe time for a drive out and about.

This is Wooler, a few miles from our house.
One main High Street.

The road to Kilham.
This is why I love Northumberland.

Moon over Hethpool. 
Just look at those colours.

Beamish Valley.
A hidden gem a few miles from home.

I never need an excuse for a paddle.
But it was cold!

1 comment:

  1. helen - typing with one hand!

    few of us would complain if we had produced a hare like that. i particularly like the flowers. however - hares are smooth and sleek?? eh ? what do you think?

