
26 December 2015

Boxing Day

Are you all recovered from yesterday?
I’m finding it hard to wake up today, may need a third coffee….

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Yesterday I lit my special candle along with other friends - a group of us who gather in spirit and in a yahoo group.
It wasn’t long until the fire was lit too. 

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More hare/bunny presents.

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After lunch we played the Santa game (from the crackers), last year we were racing reindeer.  
Wonder what next year will be? 

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Today is wet, muddy and cold.
This was the ford about 11am.  Usually you can walk over but today it would be above my head.
And its still raining so we’re keeping a close watch. 
Hibernating and munching left overs, keeping warm and chilling out are the order of the day. 

25 December 2015

Happy Christmas

Santa made a good choice this year!

Hope everyone has a good day, our lunch is in the oven and one bottle of fizz has evaporated already. 

24 December 2015

Three hares dancing....

 …. and celebrating Yule!  Happy Solstice everyone.
(OK, I’m a few days late posting this but I did write it at Yule!) 

The sun is coming back to us here in the north!

The first set of three hares is finished and I can’t wait to start more after the holidays…. and when I get my glasses sorted.
I have new ones as I knew I was struggling to see this close sewing.

Unfortunately the new pair have not lived up to expectations (nor price).
One lens is perfect, the other not in focus and the earliest opticians appointment to check the prescription is 5th January.

And I want to sew more hares :( 

2015 12 17 13 02 07a

2015 12 18 11 46 55a

And a new throw finished…. worked on over 5 years.

2015 12 18 12 10 57

At home I’ve been enjoying making my own wreaths from home grown willow and holly.

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18 December 2015

Great British Pottery Thrown Down its not....

But I did enjoy using some air dry clay and paperclay for the first time….
…since making Dinosaurs with my darling son about 10y years ago.

Paperclay is much better! 
Much more expensive too. 

2015 12 15 14 58 51a

17 December 2015

More hares......

Have become addicted to goldwork hares……  

The third hare is now underway - this time in gold.

2015 12 14 13 52 12a

Notice he’s a different shape to the others?

2015 12 14 14 50 46 1a

And the dreamy Instagram version

2015 12 14 14 50 46a

The “forest” is collecting more baubles.
The advent calendar is disappearing….. 

2015 12 15 11 19 21a

12 December 2015

The Copper Hare

 Work continues on the hares.

2015 12 09 13 55 29

The second hare is all copper coloured.

2015 12 09 14 03 39

I love the flowers…. but wonder if he’s missing some gold?
(As a friend said this week - missing the "Cowans Bling"!) 

2015 12 10 12 41 01

I’m now really happy with the first hare - those extra spirals make all the difference.
And the second hare is complete. 

2015 12 10 12 41 38 1

And the Instagram version.
Have you realised I won’t be able to stop at three? 

2015 12 10 12 41 38

We don’t have the “big” tree yet, there were plans to fetch it today, but everyone is either out, preparing to be a taxi driver (no surprises who that will be) or getting ready for a hot date.

I have my own little forest this year.
This fabulous new addition - five birch trees and each day I add a new mini bauble.

2015 12 09 10 17 08 1


8 December 2015

Creative with Workbox feature

Have you seen this months magazine issue?

Have a look at the very back inside cover and you’ll see an article about this blog!

You can down load a PDF of the article to read from my website here  

153 blogger

Many thanks to the team at the magazine.

Markals, gilding and gold leaf experiments.

So we know we have goldwork hares for the top of the dress…. what about the rest?

How do markels (top) and “Goldfinger” gilding cream (bottom) react on the heavy cotton velvet material?

 2015 11 25 14 09 05

The gilding cream is lovely and very subtle.

2015 11 25 14 09 17

But for something with more…… impact….
Looks like gold leaf will be the answer.

Very exciting!! 


7 December 2015

Textile groups and tutors list

Can  you help me make an idea to help all textile artists and enthusiasts come true?

Did you know that I set up a list for all the textile tutors and groups in the UK?  
All disciplines from embroidery, quilting, knitting, felting, spinning, weaving etc…..

It was a mad idea on a wet Monday morning back in the summer and its gone from strength to strength since.    
Almost 200 people or groups are now registered.
And we have almost 800 members of the Facebook community.

If you are a tutor please come and register - there is only a small nominal fee of £5.

Groups are FREE to register.

There are simple online forms for groups and tutors. 

I’d love this to be a really comphrensive database of all the textile people and groups in the uk - including tutors who are willing to travel to the UK.


Facebook HERE 

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Textile groups web shot





The next costume in the planning....

Even whilst working on one project - The Green Dress - my brain is away working on the next project.
Just gently mooching in the background…..mulling over ideas…..

Sometimes life just throws you the right thing at the correct time…..
Look what came up for auction….MORE velvet curtains in a  gorgeous russet colour.

2015 11 20 12 16 37

Well, what’s a girl to do when the universe turns in her direction?

Bid on a set of curtains of course.

2015 11 28 15 29 17

And arrive home with more than expected, four curtains, yards of pelmets and a box of extra fabric.

2015 12 02 11 39 22

Cut and ready for washing.
So much I could hardly lift the bag. 

6 December 2015

The second Hare

Light…… by 2.30pm my natural light has all but gone in the studio and goldwork by lamp light is hard on the eyes.

Roll on the solstice!

2015 11 25 14 34 15

So, to the second hare.
Building up the spirals on front and back legs.

Plunging the thicker thread through to the back and then couching in place. 

2015 11 30 15 16 54

Then to outlining the hare, this time I “fused” the front and back legs - will make the appliqué much easier later on.

And happiness DID lie within - a cup of hot coffee for a cold embroiderer!

2015 12 02 13 52 21

Creating roses …. step by step….
You can see the light fading as I worked, so I apologise for the photos in advance. 

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2015 12 02 15 23 10


5 December 2015

The first Hare

So to the first hare….. as I’m writing this after its finished I can tell you that it's going to be culled!

I should have stopped early on as I knew it wasn’t right.
Oh well, life would be boring if it was all perfect wouldn’t it?
(I wouldn’t mind testing the theory though!)

So here he is….. but ….. he’s not going on to be used.
I’ll admit to my mistakes!

He started off really well.
2015 11 20 11 50 00

2015 11 20 14 37 40

But …… no, hate it.
Filling in and shading with the chippings just doesn’t do it for me. 

2015 11 25 09 00 08

So, onwards and upwards......maybe time for a drive out and about.

This is Wooler, a few miles from our house.
One main High Street.

The road to Kilham.
This is why I love Northumberland.

Moon over Hethpool. 
Just look at those colours.

Beamish Valley.
A hidden gem a few miles from home.

I never need an excuse for a paddle.
But it was cold!