
29 September 2015

Tuesday morning sunshine

Happy Tuesday morning. 

Hope you are all well and have a beautiful sunny morning as we have here in north Northumberland.  Isn't it special?  

I've just been and opened up the studio and aim to get in there soon.  Am trying to take my mind off my poor foot.  Firstly an allergic reaction to a wasp sting, I couldn't believe the pain.  Quite unbelievable. Now an infection and antibiotics, which often make me feel worse before I feel better. 

The exhibition in Alnwick is now over, three pictures sold.  Thank you if you are reading this.  I now have spending money for my trip to London in a few weeks time. 

Still don't quite believe I am lucky enough to live here, even after 15 years. Still so much to do in the garden. That border in front of the house is going to get a serious makeover soon, there is a rose hedge to plant (Harlow Carr or Queen of Sweden?).... And in my dreams a rill and modern sculpture...... Like you see at Chelsea....well a girl needs to's good for the soul.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:21 am

    The light looks lovely this morning. I love these sort of days. Enjoy your studio time.
