
11 May 2015

Of Land and Sky

A new dress in the making - well, two new dresses really.

The shift is complete - a fine French muslin cotton dyed with madder and rusty things, the sleeves have logwood dye too.

The kirtle is taking shape;

Cotton dyed with logwood and rusty things, embroidered with cup and ring markings.

The skirt is a patchwork of fabrics dyed with logwood, onion skins and rust.

I was working SO hard look what happened to my needle after just 2 hours!

Recognise these? Photographs and paintings printed to fabric and ready to be made into pin cushions.

This week is going to be a challenge of woman vs time. Two deadlines to meet - one for Tuesday of making three, maybe four new pieces, two down, one almost finished, one in my head!

Saturday I’ll be exhibiting these new works in the traders hall at the EG Regional Day in Gateshead. Say hello if you see me there.