
24 May 2015

Sleeping Hare Dress

I LOVE this dress…… can’t wait to be making more like this.

Silks and cottons dyed with rust and left outside to weather.
Hand stitched construction, free motion embroidery using six colours to create the sleeping and dancing hares.

23 May 2015

Embroiderers Guild Regional Day

Went along to sell my wares.
Which I didn’t.
Not even a postcard.
Very disappointing day in that respect.
Was it me? The items? The audience?

Hopefully I’ll get some booking for talks and workshops in the near future.

22 May 2015

Blaewearie Dress

Bleak moorland, photography, photoshop, printing and stitching.
Fabulous combination.

Part of a new series of work based on my thoughts about the battles in Northumberland - the blood soaking into the land - hence the red threads, the women who’s lives would have been changed forever by the passing army or the battle itself. Storied rarely told in historical literature.

Again I can’t wait to make more of these - and I have another partly constructed in the studio.

Land & Sky Dress

Is finished!!! A kirtle and shift - medieval style.
From the land to the sky, with markings from the earth.

Silk habotai, cotton cailco, cotton muslin and silk organza. Silk ribbon. Machine and hand stitiched. Dyed with rust, logwood, madder, onion skins and tea.
For those who like to know these things.

Land & Sky Dress

Is finished!!! A kirtle and shift - medieval style.
From the land to the sky, with markings from the earth.

Silk habotai, cotton cailco, cotton muslin and silk organza. Silk ribbon. Machine and hand stitiched. Dyed with rust, logwood, madder, onion skins and tea.
For those who like to know these things.

21 May 2015

Magical Places

Ancient Woodland on Yeavering Bell.
Where you can imagine the Fairies come out to play…..

Where there is a real sense of … “something”… or “someone”.

Simply, utterly, breathtakingly, stunning work of Mother Earth.

11 May 2015

Of Land and Sky

A new dress in the making - well, two new dresses really.

The shift is complete - a fine French muslin cotton dyed with madder and rusty things, the sleeves have logwood dye too.

The kirtle is taking shape;

Cotton dyed with logwood and rusty things, embroidered with cup and ring markings.

The skirt is a patchwork of fabrics dyed with logwood, onion skins and rust.

I was working SO hard look what happened to my needle after just 2 hours!

Recognise these? Photographs and paintings printed to fabric and ready to be made into pin cushions.

This week is going to be a challenge of woman vs time. Two deadlines to meet - one for Tuesday of making three, maybe four new pieces, two down, one almost finished, one in my head!

Saturday I’ll be exhibiting these new works in the traders hall at the EG Regional Day in Gateshead. Say hello if you see me there.

2 May 2015

Crafts Council

Sometimes you doubt your own artwork, so when I applied to be listed in the Crafts Council Directory I really wasn’t convinced I would be accepted.

But I was! Happy dancing time! That really cheered me up.