
26 April 2015

Logwood and rust dyeing part 2

1 Logwood 3b

 After leaving the fabrics in the dye pans overnight it looked like this (sorry for the blur - must have been taken B.C. (before coffee).
I pulled the fabric out and left the liquid in the pan for later. 

1 Logwood 1a

After a wash at 40degrees C it looked much better!

2 Logwood 2a

And out on the washing line in the bright warm sun it looked fabulous.

3 Logwood 3a

Can’t say I was very successful at getting a different hue on each piece - I KNEW I shouldn’t have panicked and put more nails into the second pot!
It wasn’t too pink after all.
But I am very pleased with each piece of material.
Perfect for my plans. 

4 Logwood 4a

I added some more fabric to each pan for s second day of dyeing.
Same principle, boil up, add fabrics, turn off the heat and leave overnight. 

2 Logwood 2c

Those “marks” on the fabric are where the rusty items were directly in contact with the cotton fabric.

A lighter shade and most beautiful grey-purple colour.