
25 March 2015

Walking time

Went for a walk with DH around Alnwick castle.  Literally AROUND the castle.  
Fans of Blackadder will recognise the shot….

For once my legs didn’t cramp up too much, they are really impeding my walk capabilities.
The calcium supplements are doing some good, but its not the whole story and I know there’s something else out of balance…. but then we knew that years ago, cortisol is screwed, HRT is necessary…. thyroid spluttering but not enough for the NHS to treat….

Alnwick castle 2 cropped

Talking of treat (ing), we headed to Nood Food for lunch - very different and lovely.  
Especially at the end of a good walk. 

Alwnick castle weir

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:25 am

    Looks like lovely spring weather for a walk. I thought that long shot looked familiar but I hadn't connected it with Blackadder until now!
