
18 November 2014

Sketchbook Work; Birds on a Branch

Another spread from the sketchbook for you to enjoy today.

Layers of jewel like deep and intense paints with a softer creamy surface.

Posts maybe a little erratic for a while as I’m having to travel to see my mother who is ill.  
As she lives 287 miles away I can’t just pop down for a quick chat.

Despite this (or maybe as a way of reducing stress) my mind is still designing away...

Week 35 close 1


Week 35 Close 2

Week 35 close 3

Week 35 close 4

Week 35

After I had completed this work, I realised how much it reminded me of work I painted a few years ago.

I really should do more of these when I get time.


1 comment:

  1. lovely work Helen, the colours are really vibrant and enticing. You are a woman of many talents!
