
6 April 2014

What you can achieve in a month



Has it really been a month since I last posted?

Guess it has.

So what has happened….. well let’s see;

1. DH has been made redundant and is at home digging more flower beds and altering all the possible combinations in my car every time he drives it.

2. As DH looses a job I gain one…. and realise that the ME is only lurking below the surface :(  Despite only working one day a week (and I am grateful for that one day) it’s a job on my feet all day and as I crawl into bed on the evening I know its going to take me three days to recover.  Darn it.  Writing this I’ve realised I’ve been working about 5 weeks and not doing much creative or blogging (or gardening or much at all apart from feeling dreadful).

3. My Dad turned 70!!!  Crikey, where did that time go?  

Birthday cake

4. My little boy is growing up FAST.  From looking too grown up in a new shirt and skinny jeans, to his cheek bones popping through, to “hanging out” in town with his mates to being 5 inches taller than mum.  All seems to have happened overnight.  I’m such a proud mummy :)

5. My greenhouse is bursting at the seams with seedlings.  Note to self; Do not sown so many at the same time in 2015.  Live ’n’ learn.

6. Whilst the south of England has been bathing itself in sunshine and warmth, Northumberland has been rocking its mean ’n’ moody image with dense fog, mist, clarts (that’s mud for the southerners), rain and freezing temperatures.  Today is the first warmish day we’ve had for…… nearly two weeks?

Black mIddens

View from Black Middens Bastle House.  " A bastle house is a type of fortified, or defensible, farmhouse peculiar to the Border country between England and Scotland.”  More information here

Tree mist

Moody looking tree.  

7. I’ve been invited to exhibit at Bellingham Heritage Centre 16th September to 31st October 2014.  I’m looking forward to this.

8. The Art Course.  Well the last few weeks have been stressful and rushed and I’m not very happy with my results.  It’s from feeling so washed out and “cotton wool headed”. But I have achieved!  Who hoo!  Here are the first semester paintings.  I’m learning a lot.


9. The RHS gardening course is on hold……back to studies soon.

10. Well, what else?  Some lovely times and walks with a much less stressed DH.

DSC 0164

Alnmouth Beach


  1. Sorry to read about the redundancy, but Happy Birthday to your dad! Your paintings are looking good :)

  2. Anonymous8:02 am

    Sounds like you've packed an awful lot into a month! Cotton wool headed or not, the art work is still popping with colour and delightful details. I really enjoyed looking at it. :o)

  3. That's been a very eventful and in many respect far from good month for you, Helen. Hope things improve from now on.
