
24 January 2014

Out of the comfort zone and into..... where the magic happens.

They say that if you move out of your comfort zone you might just make something wonderful happen.

We should all try it occasionally.

Comfort zone

I’ve embarked on a 48 week course of mixed media exploration.  More here. 

So far I’ve completed four weeks and I AM LOVING it!  It’s quite an investment, but I am SO glad I pressed that “buy” button.


48 weeks Course 001


48 weeks week 1

Week 1 involved an image transfer, working with stencils and “joint filler” (finding the equivalent in the UK is proving to be a challenge) and inks.

Week 2 web Helen Cowans

Week 2 was pop out vibrant!  I never follow the tutor exactly, never have.  So I have paisleys instead of daisies.

Week 3 Helen Cowans

Week 3.  My favourite so far.  LOVE it.

Swallows Helen Cowans 1

Week 4 I decided to draw a swallow rather than a figure.  
As a child I used to watch thousands of swallows come to roost in the trees, I can still remember standing out in the garden with my dad.

Week 3a helen cowans

 Some close ups for you.

Swallows Helen Cowans 2

Swallows Helen Cowans 3


  1. Sue houghton6:20 pm

    Wonderful. Love the swallow ones

  2. That looks incredible. Lovely. Keep us posted

  3. Anonymous4:30 pm

    Looks like such fun!
