
20 January 2014

Monday morning.

Hello!  Welcome to a new week.

To get started here’s a photo I took last week on a walk into Wooler along the “back road”, I went over the river, up and down and up and down… you don’t notice in a car.
Unfortunately my walking boots rubbed a huge blister for some unknown reasons (they never have before) so walking has been out for a few days.

I took my Moleskine sketchbook with me and I did stop and draw - and yes, I got a comment from a dog-walker… I just said hello and smiled sweetly.
I was drawn to the colours and textures on the old buildings …...and the colours of the trees.

And the hills and the sky…..
Guess I just love Northumberland! 


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, i love Northumberland too, pity i live in Bucks...........
