
11 January 2014

52 Happy Notes

Here’s a good idea I saw on Facebook.

Each week you write down something really good thats happened on a scrap of paper and pop it into a jar.  
At the end of the year you can tip 52 notes out and remember all the little things that made you smile.

2014 is the year of Being Here and Now, of Mindfulness of the Present and Being Positive.
No I haven’t lost the plot, I’m trying to regain it!

On a recent trip to Ikea I picked up the perfect jar and on a recent trip to Paperchase I found these lovely paper tapes.


Decorated jar 1

Decorated Jar

Inside I dropped my note for the week.
What did I write?
Well on Monday I had a fabulous morning with DS, we laughed and giggled our way around Alnwick making (normally boring) household chores a real treat. 
Its the Simple Things that really matter in Life. 

Note in Jar

Do go and look here and sign up for the free weekly email quote.  Its very good. 



  1. Great idea. I'm doing the Documented Life Project so will be noting things down in my diary instead. By the way isn't it surprising how many free projects lead to money being spend!

  2. Anonymous11:29 am

    That sounds a lovely idea. Much better than putting jobs to do in a jar which I tried once!
