
19 September 2013

Chaos in the book department

The "Great Tidy Up before Repainting" is still underway.  Yesterday was the book department.

It all descended into chaos at one point...

Chaos 001

Some things can be thrown out!


The right hand side "bookcase" (an old singer treadle machine) was sorted fairly quickly with quilting and general sewing books.

Books tidy

On the left hand side, I thought about putting hand threads and beads on the bookshelf….. but soon realised that didn't work and felt wrong.

Threads shelf

So they went onto the trolley, I wanted them off the shelves - and all those sketchbooks in the background will get a sort out tomorrow.


So what to put on the shelf?

Start at the beginning with the most important book.  "Stitch Magic" so aptly named.  THE book that started all of this many years ago.

Side by side with Indian and ethnic embroidery books. 

Stitch magic

It was a gloriously sunny day yesterday in complete contrast to today.  I took advantage to deadhead the flowers - which seem to be having a second flourish  
This garden has amazed me this year.
I've got so much to learn about plants, I've just been making it up this year.

My white garden is looking fabulously serene.  The tiny Cosmos seedlings have really blossomed.  
Not bad for a free packet of seeds! 




In complete contrast the house border, very much under construction, is a riot of clashing colours.

My new dahlia has been named Floozie and she's settling in well.

DSC 0396 


Orange  purple

Can anyone tell me the name of the purple flowers?  They have a really unusual structure.

Orange flower





  1. HI Helen,
    I think the purple flowers are Trilliums. They have three petals to the flowers... right?

  2. Anonymous12:43 pm

    The purple flowers look like spiderwort from here, also called Tradescantia. Lovely weeds.

  3. Anonymous7:10 am

    I'd love to come and have a mooch through your shelves... The purple flowers are tradescantia. We used to have them at out last house but sadly no room now. They are gorgeous.

  4. Oh Yes, Tradescanthia... I think I said the wrong name in another comment yesterday sorry
