
17 June 2013


The start of our three day hippy trail and yes, lets gets this over with first shall we? 
DS is now taller than I am.
I’m still the boss though!

For years I’ve wanted to introduce my son to Stonehenge. 
When he was 6 weeks old I took him to Castlerigg Stone Circle and presented the past to him, and him to the past.
Now he’s almost 13 years old and we’re at my second favourite stone circle.

I know that some people don’t like Stonehenge because of all the other people.
I find it easy to forget about them and the look and listen to the land.

I stopped and made a quick sketch and wrote down a few thoughts.

meeting point now and then
360 degree view
smooth and rough
straight / leaning
buttercups & daisies
history collides
ancestors looking on
barrows & cursus
claim to the land

We walked up to a set of round barrows and looked back.
For a World Heritage Site its a  truly dreadful view.
That’s our motorhome in the field – with decent coffee and a clean loo, something you won’t find elsewhere here.

There is a new visitors centre being built, we drove passed it and it looked good, but its MILES away.  How are they going to transport everyone?
That night we drove a few miles towards Avebury and to a campsite we’d stayed at 15….no 20 years ago.  Lovely wooded campsite….. to sit and chill.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 am

    I remember going to Stonehenge aged about 6 in the days when you could still wander around the stones and touch them. Avebury still has the magic for me.
