
4 November 2012

London part 1

Back to London again.  For so many years I was too ill to travel to exhibitions however this year I’ve been able to visit twice. 
Its been wonderful.

(Please, please – if you are female, feeling shattered and ill, INSIST on an early menopause assessment.  Its quite hard not to be distressed that the medical profession wouldn’t listen to me years ago).

I had a short break of two days, leaving Berwick on the 8.11am train arriving at 11.54am.  I took a taxi to Monmouth Street and headed into this shop.  I’ve waited a long time for this!  I love their clothes but the sizing can be unpredictable so it was wonderful to grab a handful and try them on.

There was also a 20% off for 3 pieces offer, how could a girl resist.

I’m not sure about the tag line “for the most colourful women in the world” as I came out with mostly grey and black pieces!

 London 3

I walked to Leicester Square, headed out again pretty quickly and decided to walk down the Mall.  One of the things I love about being a tourist in London is walking, looking and exploring.

The history hidden down little lanes and behind walls is amazing.

This is St James Palace, built by Henry VIII.  More info here.

 London 2

London 4

I saw a group of tourists taking a picture and I joined in. 
These poor guys must get so fed up!

London 1

As I walked down the Mall I loved seeing the flags and I felt proud to be English… British….. English.

London flags

More later on the museums and exhibitions – I need to get the pictures processed but just now I need to pack to get to Grasmere for a week of stitching!!!  Yippee!!!!


  1. Helen, I had no idea that Gudrun S had a shop in London. now that could be dangerous!

    Travel safely, have a wonderful time without me.... :-(
