
1 October 2012


I thought that it would be interesting to blog the journey in more detail than usual and with such a short deadline it will be a fast journey!

Of course it is my fault that I have set myself so much to do. 
I honestly think, that this time, I’ve outpaced / excelled / idiotically challenged myself with ambition!

Yes, this is far above and beyond the necessary artwork required for a blogger challenge.  BUT I realised I really wanted to make an Indian inspired work for myself, and had wanted to do this for a long time.

What better to combine the two?

Hence the concentration of 2 months work into two weeks.  The last few days I’ve been working for five hours in the studio and another two in the evenings.  For the next five days I need to work around 10 hours a day. 

I started at 10.30am this morning, after getting DS off to school, having a shower, sorting the washing and setting the machine off… doing the dishes, having breakfast..sorting some post.  I dare not look at emails on the laptop, so if you have written to me in the last week or so please forgive me, but its going to be Monday before I reply.

I stopped at 4.30pm to cook an early dinner for DS who has football practise, I’m just about to drop him off and then head back to the studio for another hour or so before my own supper.

So this is what I’ve been doing today.

Indian inspiration 9

Indian inspiration 7

If I tell you that this section below represents somewhere in the region of 1/30 of the goldwork to complete, well, you might understand my ambition.

Indian inspiration 8indian inspiration 11


  1. I am sure you will enjoy it. But you are in my thoughts about what you will go through when you are done.
    I have just done 8 garments in one month as part of a mini wardrobe challenge. Hey, I needed summer clothes so why not. But for each I drafted something challenging first rather than just sewing something I had done already. So, Sept. is done, photos submitted, etc.
    Today is a bad head day and I have spent much of it in bed. Live and learn. or learn and live anyway?
    Can't wait to see it!
    Sandy in Bracknell

  2. Helen,
    It's going to be worth all the effort. Well done and good luck for all the rest.
