
16 April 2012

Busy, busy…….


One 3,000 word essay to organise and submit

Two textile commissions

Three magazine articles

Two exhibitions in the next two months – posters, press releases, planning, finishing off (OK and creating too)

One web site to update

Numerous business emails to reply to (tick, finished that task today)

3 business meetings to attend this week

One painting course to finish

What I’m really trying to say is that I might not be around much in the next few weeks!

I’ll leave you with some pictures of Castlerigg taken last week.




The new copyright notices are because of Pinterest and similar sites. I think I need to tweak but the information is there for now.

OK, I’m off for a break - to cut the lawn wearing fleeces and ski gloves as its COLD out there! Oh and I forgot to have lunch!


  1. Great photos and your copyright approach is brilliant! I should figure out how to do something similar with my photos too.

  2. Anonymous7:54 am

    The copyright approach is great. Don't have Pinterest myself but often browse and find lots of interesting new blogs that way. I do get frustrated when they come from "Flickr" or "Tumbler" and I can't track back to the original source easily.

    Jacqui (in Auckland, New Zealand)
