
31 January 2012

Sketchbook Project

The sketchbook went away to Boston at 11.30am this morning and I am almost happy with it! 
Some spreads I love – like using my artwork on the title and end pages (and the knowledge gained in just 2 lessons on using PS).

The deer are by far my favourite images and I wish I had done more of these (but I only created them on Sunday and didn’t have time to do more).  Another project to add to the list.

(NB I “cleaned” up the pencil drawings as the crease in the page affected the photography/light in a bad shadow way).

Sketchbook front copy

Title Page; Digital Collage

Sketchbook 1

Carved Axe Head; Inks, cut paper and stitch

Sketchbook 2

Venus of Willendorf; Paper with inks, fabric and fabric paints

Sketchbook 3

Deer2Deer 1a 30-01-2012 14-45-00 1705x2268

The Cave Art of our Ancestors; Pan pastels

autumn goddess copy

Mother Goddess of the Autumn; Pencil

Sketchbook 6

Carved Spirals of Ireland; Wallpaper, paint, watercolour pencils, inks, stitch

Sketchbook 7

Cold Winter Ice Ages; Paper, paint, watercolour pencils, inks, stitch

Tree of Life goddess

Goddess of Life; Pencil


circle goddess

Goddess of Spheres; Pencil

Islamic goddess copy

Goddess of Flowers; Pencil

Star goddess copy

Goddess of the Stars; Pencil

Sketchbook 12

Prehistoric Pottery Designs; Papers, Lutradur, inks, pen, collage, stitch

Sketchbook 13

Prehistoric Inscriptions; Paper, stencils, inks, silk thread

sketchbook cover

The Cover; Papers, ink, stitch

Sketchbook back copy-001

End Page; Digital Collage


The Sketchbook is part of this project  and you can see it at various venues around the world – and online soon.

PS My darling DS has just pointed out my watermark is a year out of date!


  1. All I can say is WOW! Clever girl!

  2. Hi Helen - was looking at your goddess, when I remembered this:

    Why didn't I make that connection before?!!!


  3. Your sketchbook is beautiful

  4. really fab Helen. I love those "cave drawing" animals.

  5. Fabulous. I love the Goddess of Spheres ... colours, shapes, everything is so lovely. In fact, your whole book is lovely. I marvel at your inspiration and ideas.
