
13 June 2011

Escaping for a few days

I am just finishing packing for a trip to London. 
I get to escape for a few days, back to the big city.
For 18 months I have been waiting to see this;
and this looks amazing
Surviving treasures from the National Museum of Afghanistan
along with the Indian and Islamic Art rooms
then in the afternoon the Royal Academy of Art for the
Summer Exhibition 2011

and somewhere I have always wished to visit;

Leighton House Museum
Saying hello to Darwin at
if there is time a quick look here;

for Camden Town and Beyond
and probably back to here;

With an interlude at

and of course

So, not too much to fit into one afternoon, one day and one morning then.  Nothing like a busy life.

No fashion statements to make on the streets of London; just one comfy pair of trainers, one sketchbook and one small handbag camera (the Nikon really is too heavy to cart around exhibitions).
Bye boys, be good whilst mums away!

PS exhibition is being very well received, though numbers through the door are depressingly low.  Three pictures and one fabric panel sold to date and three opportunities for further exhibitions / shop presence.


  1. Enjoy and please report back - then I might get to look at some of those too! ( next week )

  2. Gillian Harrison1:55 pm

    Hi Helen, I'm coming to see you at Paxton House on 26 June with my friends, Wendy and Mary. The pictures look lovely, look forward to seeing them for real!
