
24 May 2011

Another tantalising glimpse

I decided a while ago that I wouldn't show you finished work before the exhibition opened. 
That partly explains the lack of textile blogging recently, normal service will be resumed shortly.

I’m planning to show you a few pictures of art work each day whilst the exhibition is on. 

Here are a few shots from the studio today.

Please note the textile pieces are unmounted in these pictures, hence the crinkles.

lace1French Connection

Two photos of very small sections from a large painting.
What can you see?

Impression closeImpressions2


  1. looks like an utter downpour

  2. (third time trying to post this ...) from the water, looking towards the shoreline through sheets of rain. thank you for tele-porting me there.

  3. Anonymous2:44 pm

    Reed beds along the Alde near Snape Maltings in Suffolk... One of my favourite places.

  4. These are wonderful Helen!
