
22 April 2011

Spring! Yes its here!!!!

We are having a great Easter holiday.  DS and I have been away for a few days (more later) and today we have been enjoying being at home with beautiful weather

DH was dressed for scruffy jobs and burning the last of the winters dead branches (at last the pile has gone!)

garden fire

Boys playing as boys do



And flowers for Frieda her exhibition is now ON! 
Can’t wait to go and see it.

Her tulips and cherry blossom aren’t out yet so I am sending some more of mine up and left a bit into Scotland.

cherry blossomcherry blossom1tulip3tulipstulips2tulips3tulips5

Another tulip photo here

Even the humblest flowers are beautiful

white nettle

I even wore some in my hair.



  1. It all looks so fresh and spring like. Looking forward to hearing about your trip away. Enjoy the rest of the holidays.
    Denise x

  2. Hello Helen,
    thank you so much for your kind words left on my blog. Very much appreciated. So enjoyed visiting here, will be back again soon...thank you again. viv

  3. I love all these Helen, but the top one is unbelievable.
