
8 April 2011

Back to tradition


Sometimes I love to head back to traditional embroidery.

I have a soft spot for bullion knot roses and lazy daisy daises.
Possibly influenced by spring returning here. 

CathK goddess

My Vintage Goddess.

CathK goddess1

CathK goddess2

And there is the Liberty Goddess finished, remember I spent 100hours + beading her?  I have never cut out anything so carefully in my life!


One untidy studio.  Its chaos in there.studio2


  1. wow! gorgeous work Helen. The godess' look wonderful - I'd love to see that beading for real! And the wall pieces next to her look really interesting. But that embroidery !! - you surprise and delight me... it's soooo pretty

  2. That studio doesn't look untidy to me just lived in.

  3. PS Goddess looks brilliant she looks right at home
