
12 March 2011

Fleece, colour inspirations and growing up

How’s that for a snappy title?  Journalism was never going to be the profession for me was it?

Firstly though, my thoughts go out to the Japanese people, yesterday DS and I watched the news and were horrified. 
Today, seeing the devastation is just awful to watch.

Yesterday I headed across to see these adorable creatures.  They are about 2 weeks into lambing atm and the cold weather –and snow yesterday and  today- will not be helping.
I could spend hours and hours watching sheep and lambs.
I took 91 pictures in total (in an hour), here are my four favourites.


This little orphan was my favourite shot of the day.  


Colour inspiration for you, caught as he ran past.


And a defining moment – one excited boy (and one tired dad) off on his first Rugby Tour.
“Ikea colours” for Alnwick! 

Ric rugby.Ian & Ric
And yes, snow….. snow and more ****** snow!


  1. love those sheep pics :) glad they've got a warm place to shelter.
    Snow here too... looks like DH won't get to do the inverness half marathon if it keeps up as forcasted! Hope the boys enjoy themselves (and you your me time!)

  2. great sheep photos - als of the rugby trippers - hope you are feeling a bit better

  3. Such gorgeous lambs, and that includes the one in the IKEY colours!
    Hope you're feeling a bit better and would send you some energy but it's in short supply here in Macbiehill too! When it returns I'll send it on its way to you too!

  4. Great photo of the cockerel, and yes, I think he is great colour inspiration as well.

  5. Lambs are so cute so is the father son bonding. Hope the snow is on it's way out.
