
8 February 2011

Hard at work

I am working hard in advance of my meeting with my mentor on Thursday.  This will be the second meeting and I am very much looking forward to it.

Though I have not felt like blogging much in the evenings…..

I am also working hard to take my mind off this tooth – yet another infection, yet another set of antibiotics (4th in 3 months).  My dentist is very much of the mind to try and save the tooth by waiting for an appointment at the dental hospital where they can complete the root filling.  However this could take months of waiting with no guarantee of success.

Last night I went to see an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon who took an X-ray and discovered the latest problem.

I was in such pain yesterday, it had really starting hurting SO much and I couldn’t take the full set of painkillers because of driving.  I burst into tears and couldn’t speak for a few minutes.  Poor guy.  He gave me a shot of local anaesthetic for the pain, nice thought. 

The X-rays show the tooth has moved away from the bone and I have a large abscess.  So I am paying privately to have the tooth extracted (don’t ask how much, could get a flight to India for the price).

Then I am finding a new dentist.

This morning I took my basket along to the studio, set the embroidery machine off with a few designs ….


…. and started another fabric painting with these wonderful new brushes that arrived today.

Pleased to recommend Artifolk, two orders placed recently arrived next day and P&P is free >£40.  Try them.


This afternoon I went to Paxton House to review the gallery where I have my exhibition in June.  Its large, very large…..

Paxton room

The house.


Entrance to the tearooms and gallery


The house opens 1st April… today there was just my car in the car park.



  1. So sorry to hear that after all that you are to have the tooth out - but maybe for the best. I have had similar but my own dentist was able to save the tooth by drilling it out and putting in an antibiotic dressing for 2 weeks etc. ( not one of my favourite topics at all! )
    As we are making our first ever trip to the UK in June( till August 1 )I was busy with my map and google earth maps to see where Paxton House was. I see that it is actually in Scotland. It looks like a fabulous place to have an exhibition. Closer to the time do put up all the details of times and dates for your show. ( just in case I get close enough to come to see your exhibition. - you just never know about these things! )

  2. Helen, so glad they have FINALLY found the problem, and I do hope the extraction gets rid of the pain properly... poor you...

  3. What a shame the tooth has to go, but hopefully you will then get some peace after all these weeks of pain. (BTW, if it's a significant tooth,I can really recommend an implant, from personal experience, well worth the expense).
    Looking forward to seeing your exhibition!

  4. It is such a shame it has taken so long to sort out the problem with your tooth Helen. I hope you soon get back to full health and you can get on with your exhibition plans. The room looks great, plenty of space. Have a great day with M.
