
12 February 2011

A change of scene….

Next week I am off to the Lakes!  I am going to Grasmere with a small group from the Contemporary Quilt Guild (a sub-group of the UK Quilters Guild).  There are no tutors, simply stitching in the mornings and evenings, afternoons to explore or more stitching.

I love the Lakes so this is a wonderful combination.  Not least because I won’t have to tell anyone to put their shoes on, pick their coat up, do their homework or remind them to brush their teeth.

(Talking of teeth the tooth came out yesterday, but is sore today, guess it will take a while to settle).

Will certainly be spending time here….


and here…..


I’ve been told that there is a limited internet connection so I hope I can blog every day.


  1. Sounds idyllic. I'm jealous :) Hope you have an amazing time.

  2. Have a nice relaxing time Helen.

  3. That sounds wonderful. I hope the tooth (or absence thereof) will have settled down enough for you to really enjoy it.

  4. Wonderful posts of your recently - especially the photos of the boats and the standing stones.

    I'm so sorry about that tooth, but glad that you have a few days of inspiring surroundings in which to mend.
