
2 December 2010

Thursday’s photo’s

You know in January I said I had never seen so much snow?
Well, I can say that again as we’ve got ever more…. few more inches last night and snowing heavily again now.
Managed to get out for a wonderful massage to ease the aching arms and hands.
The High Street was clear compared to yesterday.
See the film crew?
Had to photograph this door
Came home and dug out the paths and bins yet again. 
No hope of reaching ground level anymore, just shovelling the loose snow off.
DH’s car is at the end of the drive – he can dig that out by himself!
I have that strange sensation of seeing things from 6 inches higher than normal (because of the compacted snow)
5”6’ would be most acceptable most of the time!
I know exactly how he feels (see bunny below)
I am worried about him… oh just heard the snow slithering noise… better go and check all is OK…
Oh darn, need to dig out the back door again as its all slithered off over the path. 
The front of the house hasn’t lost any snow yet and that's more worrying.
I’ll leave you with a snuggled bunny and the thought that maybe I can sense a change in the air, maybe the air pressure has changed or something?


  1. I sure hope there's a change coming!

    Here in the West it's not so bad - ice and frost rather than snow - but it's a good two months earlier than anyone expected, and I think everyone's wondering whether it will keep on like this..

  2. Maybe it is time to make an igloo in the garden for you to live in Helen. I bought some spring bulbs last week to plant in the garden..... no hope of that with this frozen ground. Whereas you cannot even find your garden!!! It has to go away soon..... surely?

  3. Poor rabbit! We are trying hard to keep our three Siamese cats warm in the worst snowfall in the far west that anyone can remember. Fortunately they are inside cats and have spent most of the day on my husbands bed or in the airing cupboard which is a very popular spot. I swear by heat pads that you put in the microwave and then place under their bedding. We bought them on-line from PetPlanet last year and they are certainly coming in handy now. I am sure you could use them for a rabbit.
