
4 December 2010

Saturdays photos

First day in 10 days with NO MORE SNOW!!!

Beautifully cold – Jack Frost has been visiting.

Here is the car park in Wooler….

car park  

And the signal box with – BLUE SKY!  It lasted for about 10 minutes!
I love the red-white-blue combination

signal box snow2 

I think the snow might be melting actually…… though heavy snow forecast Monday which is NOT good as I need to get 50 miles to the dentist in Newcastle on Tuesday and my friend needs to get to Newcastle on Monday.

Mother Earth is not happy with me atm.

And I dug the studio out again (twice), before we went shopping and then again when I got back as the last pile had slid off the roof. 
At least now I can’t get stuck inside.

I went into the studio today for he first time in about 2 weeks - I put the fan heater on for a while before venturing in but had a very pleasant 2 hours – mostly clearing up, but that was OK, there’s new space to work in now.
It was good to be back in my own space.

1 comment:

  1. Also think the red,white blue is a great combination. One of my exhibitions in 2011 is 'A Patch of Blue' theme.
