
24 December 2010

Out for a walk on Xmas Eve

I was awake at 8am and was in the mood to get on with the chores so (in my Pj’s) I cleaned the bathrooms, hoovered, dusted and tidied up and was in the shower by 10.45am. 

That felt good.

Before lunch DH and I went for a short walk up the hill opposite us – you get a great view across to the Cheviot Hills. 
What you can’t see is the deep valley where our house is, it looks like a flat vista and its not at all.

Thanks to Tesco’s and our wonderful Fruit & Veg man we are now well stocked up to hibernate for the next few days.
The roads are truly horrendous and though I am disappointed that we had to cancel yet another trip out (The Snowman at the Sage) it was the correct decision.

The tooth is getting better – still aches, but much better than a few days ago.  one good result from all this is that I have lost 1/2 stone.

The painkillers are sending me to sleep though…..ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..

Hope everyone’s preparations are going well, travel safely, keep warm and enjoy the holidays!


DH - a rare photo of him on this blog!

cheviots 1 cheviots 3

cheviots 7

cheviots 4 cheviots 2


  1. Fabulous photos! Happy Christmas to you all. Stay warm... (some alcohol gargled might help the tooth! )

    It is snowy down south in UK too where our son is spending Christmas.
    Fine here in NZ - no surprise there.

  2. Merry Christmas Helen. The photographs are beautiful.

  3. Truely beautiful photos Helen!
    Happy Christms. Sue M.

  4. Happy Chrismas to you all at Haugh Head, it does look truely wonderful. Enjoy the day.
    Denise x

  5. Wonderful photos, glad the tooth is getting better, Have a lovely Christmas and may your power not go out. Here by the beach on Kangaroo Island we have woken to a bit of rain, but still warm, the perfect Christmas day for those of us who are getting older!

  6. such brilliant light!
