
23 November 2010

Winter is coming….

Autumn seems to have gone and Winter is heading towards us in the next few days. 
Snow forecast this week which might curtail a trip to Harrogate to the Knitting & Stitching show. 
I’ve know it be bitterly cold for this show – but snow hasn’t been a problem before.
I’m a little worried about heading down and having problems getting back so I might well hibernate and head to the studio instead.
I will miss the inspirational exhibits though…..  maybe I can get to Sedburgh in Cumbria to see the East exhibition instead.
Here are some frosty pictures from last December – I think there’ll be a few more like this soon.Frost Dec08-13
Frost Dec08-6 
 Minolta DSC


  1. we're supposed to be having rain the next few weeks.

  2. I'm looking forward to my visit to Harrogate - buying in supplies for some of my more exotic and demanding projects...! I'm staying the night before and the night after in order to reduce the travel headaches.
