25 November 2010

Snow showers

Buddha is looking serene in the snow.  In a brief burst of sunshine I went out for a walk. 


There is nothing like putting footprints into virgin snow – I love it.


Though someone got there before me

footprints 2

Snow is sliding OFF this roof.  That’s a very good sign!

studio snow


Rare picture of me below.  I’ve decided to work in the house today, studio tomorrow.
With DS off school I feel I need to be in the house.
DH is glued to the Blackberry and laptop behind a closed door.


One thing we did learn last year – no this year, its only been 7 months since the last snow.
Anyway, we parked the car up the top of the drive – just enough in so the postman doesn’t come haring round the corner and hit my car!

drive 2  

Me again – I’m tall!


More photos later – sheep and gorgeous fabrics…..


  1. Hi Helen,
    Love the pictures of the snow and the sheep. I love what you have done with them as well.
    If it has to snow at least it does it picturesquely near you!

  2. love the snow! smart move parking the car in.

  3. So relieved to see the snow sliding off the new studio roof. Keep warm after braving the cold. Absolutely freezing here. Fantastic photos.
    Best wishes
