
28 November 2010

Saturday afternoon

I was glad to see this NEDL van next to the house with the guys fixing the electricity.

We have a coal fire in the sitting room – but discovered early on Saturday morning that the chimney is blocked. 
It was quite a comedy moment and we can STILL smell the smoke in the house.
You could only laugh.

DH was up clearing off the kitchen roof – see the scaffolding? 
The guys finally came on Tuesday to fix the guttering that had fallen down in January. 
Lets see if this one holds up any better!

clearing roof

Clearing the phone lines and getting ready for sledging.
The snow is up to DS’s knees.

cleaaring lines

We are lucky to have a convenient sledging hill just over the road at a friend farm298 

A rare moment of sun and blue skies

house Studio tree tree2 

The tups are sinking too….
Must be hard work walking in this snow

tups 1tup2

1 comment:

  1. More wonderful photos but I am beginning to feel cold.
