
30 November 2010

New fabrics to play with

We had more snow overnight, – bringing the total so far to 50-60cm.  Well over my knees.
I’ve just come in from shovelling snow off the lane - 3+ hours of solid snow shovelling has left me aching everywhere and frozen to the bones.
Don’t ask where the men were….. or the snow plough, enough to say I am NOT happy.

I’ll leave you with a post I wrote a few days ago just for this sort of time….  I’m of to get warm.

We need some COLOUR back into this blog! (Not to mention some sort of textiles theme)

Let me show you some new fabrics that arrived a week or so ago.

I have a new favourite fabric shop - Steamstar Fabrics - I popped these bundles into the shopping basket and they arrived the next day.
Wonderful service.

  fabrics1 fabrics2 fabrics4


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