
18 October 2010

Renaissance collage

I’ve had a sick child on and off for a few weeks now.  Poor thing has been through a horrible operation (nothing serious thank goodness but very sore).

To keep myself occupied I’ve been doing two things:

1. Indian Art; A History – 10 week online course from Oxford university

(Main developments in the history of South Asian art in this period, including Buddhist and Hindu architecture and sculpture, paintings and architecture from the Rajput and Mughal courts, and the impact of European colonialism. You will also examine the religious, ritual, social and political contexts in which these buildings and objects were made and used.)

I’m on week 6 and loving it.

2. Stitching some collages.

Here is the first of four or maybe five, maybe more in the series….



R1001 close2

R1001 close3

R1001 close4

 R1001 close5

 R1001 close 1

 R1001 mounted

They will all be mounted and framed in off white frames ready for sale, this is the best pic I could get when it was framed. 

30x40cm framed

R1001 framed

I’d be really interested to know - What do you think?

Yesterday I forgot to add a note about the collage I’ve submitted for the art exhibition.  I thought long and hard about submitting work I had created in a class.  However the work I produced was nothing like the tutors samples and very much my own (yes I am the student that goes off at a tangent and did my own thing with colours and stitching), so I do feel it is my own work – guided by Judy H, as I acknowledged.


  1. Hi, hope Richard is feeling better xx
    are you bringing him on wednesday or is he back at school?

  2. This is beautiful work.
