
23 October 2010

The Red Skirt

I made it to the Vintage Market in Berwick today.  Didn’t get to the Mind, Body and Spirit show as I blew the budget at the first stop.  Along with some wonderful lace I came home with a very special skirt.

I took some quick pictures for you and will take more tomorrow.  Its been cut down from another piece – a dress?  Not sure, but its the real thing in terms of metalwork embroidery and it is really heavy.

red skirt4

red skirt1 red skirt2

red skirt3


 red skirt5

 red skirt6 red skirt7

 red skirt8

red skirt9


  1. Wow, what a gorgeous skirt

  2. Totally gorgeous, Helen, and worth every cent of your budget! Are you planning on wearing it or is it going to form part of your art?

  3. This is beautiful Helen. It looks like a traditional Indian wedding dress to me. Not a sari, but the name escapes me at the moment. A friend of mine wore one for her wedding, it was so heavy because the threads were real gold.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

  4. Wow! That would turn any occasion into a marvellous party!

  5. lovely how strong the color is in a vintage garment!

  6. what a fantastic find that skirt is - glad to have found you again Helen - love Janice

  7. Anonymous3:12 pm

    wow - that red is so intense. I would love to wear it today, when everything is grim, grey and cold outside, to remind me of summer.

  8. It's a beauty Helen!
