
4 August 2010

Festival of Quilts

The deadline for Festival of Quilts entries was Friday.  I posted my hanging on Wednesday with 48hr delivery so hopefully it has arrived in time.

It is not perfect, not sure it is “me” but in the face of adversity I did get something started, finished and entered.

Question is – will the judges realise its meant to be freeform – wonky edges and fraying threads?  Somehow I doubt it.  Lets hope the general viewer realises and doesn’t just think its messy.

Not totally happy with it.  Maybe I should have left it here at home, too late now.

The details; Natural dyed fabrics (mainly Logwood, Sticklac, Madder) - cotton, silk and silk velvet, Mulberry Silk hand threads, Madeira machine threads.

A not very good picture taken with the quilt on the floor and me standing on a chair with my arms outstretched – I’m only 5ft tall, its not a good combination!  I had to do some tweaking in Photoshop to get the edges straight – not totally successful.  Lets hope it looks better hanging up.

   Natural selection1

Its called “Natural selection”.  Natural dyed fabrics and showing Darwin’s Finches – they helped him form his theory of evolution and natural selection.

Natural selection10Natural selection4  Natural selection13  Natural selection16

Natural selection19

Natural selection14


  1. Kerryfelter11:57 am

    Your hand stitching is beautiful. I think no matter how many pieces you finish, you still are anxious sending your "baby" out into the world. They will love it! Make a cup of tea and relax!

  2. I think it is a great idea, and I'd love to see it in real life. I know how difficult it can be to take photos of textile pieces!

  3. I love the stitching and texture in the close ups; good luck!

  4. Margaret3:05 pm

    I love the colours and the stitching is so neat. I can't wait to see the finished piece at the Festival Of Quilts.

  5. I think it is beautiful, you really are an inspiration, looking forward to seeing you very soonxx

  6. Love the colours and textures, and the handstitiching is beautiful. Really looking forward to seeing it in real life. I think the uneasiness comes with not having had time to get used to seeing it finished (and the fact we all see the - sometimes imaginary - defects in our own work. Coincidentally one of my entries also has a Darwinian theme...

  7. It's beautiful Helen. I shall look forward to finding it at the Festival. The stitching is wonderful, especially the birds. In view of the dyes 'Natural Selection' works on several levels.

  8. Janice Perkin8:41 pm

    I love the colours very you! - are you going to FOQ?

  9. Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up
