
26 July 2010

Yeavering and Ad Gefrin

I used to live in a cottage at the foot of Yeavering Bell, one of the most wonderful historic places I’ve ever lived.  It’s a hill with the largest hill fort in Northumberland (and one of the largest the UK) and at the base a settlement that was, at one time, the centre of the Kingdom of Northumbria (which is not the same area as Northumberland – Sky News and BBC take note).


From the official site


“For over 5000 years people have been drawn to the prominent plateau of sand and gravel lying between the foot of the largest hillfort in Northumberland, Yeavering Bell, and the River Glen. They came for religious ceremonies, to live and bury their dead and to meet their rulers.”

On Saturday the Gefrin trust displayed some of the finds from the area in the village hall.

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This is how the site looks today.


The view towards Yeavering Bell.  Note the beautifully carved gate post.


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