
14 June 2010

Photos from France - Part One

Not much happening here only MDF priming which is deadly boring…..

So instead some holiday pictures from France.  The first stage was the Somme Valley and a visit to the Great War Museum in Peronne and Thiepval Monument via a cemetery on the side of the road (of which there were many).  Very little of the landscape seems to have changed here, very flat with pockets of woodland and the occasional hill.  Very emotional and sad.

Peronne Somme area 29-05-2010 14-34-57 4288x2848

Peronne Somme area 29-05-2010 15-10-27 4288x2848

Peronne Somme area 29-05-2010 15-09-08 4288x2848

Peronne Somme area 30-05-2010 10-00-14 a 4288x2848Peronne Somme area 30-05-2010 09-53-30 4288x2848 Peronne Somme area 30-05-2010 09-55-31 4288x2848    

Thiepval 30-05-2010 12-11-18 2848x4288 30-05-2010 12-11-18 2848x4288

Thiepval 30-05-2010 12-11-18 2848x4288 30-05-2010 12-23-24 4288x2848  Thiepval 30-05-2010 12-11-18 2848x4288 30-05-2010 12-21-49 4288x2848 Thiepval 30-05-2010 12-11-18 2848x4288 30-05-2010 12-23-15 4288x2848


  1. We went to the Normandy beaches, it was very moving and very sad, we should never forget the ultimate sacrifice that was paid by all

  2. Janice Perkin9:32 pm

    great photos - I went to thieapval when i was on a french exchange when I was 14 - a very long time ago but I have always remembered it!!!!!! - my exchanges's grandmother had an english propeller on her wall and only knew english swear words - i was amazed at how beautiful all the graves were however small
