
18 June 2010

A medieval Chateau

Langeais, pure (restored) medieval.  Wonderful tiles, very different to the other Renaissance chateau that we visited.  Also some medieval embroidery and tapestries in wonderful condition – low light of course.

I started to have a thing about doors.  So much that the family started to tease me every time we saw an interesting door…..

 Langeais 02-06-2010 11-59-05 2848x4288 Langeais 02-06-2010 12-10-49 4288x2848 Langeais 02-06-2010 12-13-09 4288x2848 Langeais 02-06-2010 12-14-26 4288x2848 Langeais 02-06-2010 12-27-46 4288x2848 Langeais 02-06-2010 12-28-26 4288x2848 Langeais 02-06-2010 12-33-34 4288x2848 Langeais 02-06-2010 12-52-56 4288x2848

Langeais 02-06-2010 12-58-10 2848x4288


  1. And I can see why you might have developed a Thing about doors - that one is a cracker!

  2. Janice Perkin8:57 pm

    love the first door - defo a princess lives within - also love the Knight!!!!
