
11 June 2010

Back home

Here is the reason its been quiet around here….

Two weeks holiday in France with a motor home.  France was fabulous, I fell in love with it.  The motor home was not fabulous.  If you live around here and want to know where NOT to hire from email me and I’ll tell you.

The weather went from this…..


To this……….

2  4 

And back to this…………


But still warmer than Northumberland!

More photos later when I get chance to sort them out.  Meanwhile the first of 6 loads of washing is on, the boxes are almost empty….. you know how it is.


  1. Welcome home, good time had by all?
    Only 6 loads of washing!!!!! you must be clean people, when we came back from the lakes....................... it makes me shudder to think, 30 hours before Bruce left, that was one quick turnaround i can tell you!!
    look forward to more photographs xx

  2. Hi Helen - good to see you back, and to know you enjoyed France. It's a very photogenic place. We had some good hols there when the kids were little. Not good for veggies tho. We had a great time in canada too - so we need to exchange holiday stories.

    You may have missed the EG's latest fundraising scheme - tutors are invited to apply to be accepted to run a day's workshop for 10 students @£50 a time and donate the whole £500 to The Cause. You may not be acepted for this, so you have to fill in a form and apply. Better do it asap. It's not April 1st, and not a joke - it's in Stitch Mag.


  3. Janice Perkin6:46 pm

    glad you had a good time - shame about the motor home I'd have thought it was right up the 'boys' street!!!!!

  4. It would be good to know who to avoid - we are thinking of a motorhome holiday next year, either in the Lakes or in North Wales. I'm not entirely sure I'm converted to the idea yet, so a dreadful motorhome would have far reaching effects on future holiday plans!
