
10 May 2010

What we’ve all been waiting for!

Well it took the builders a few weeks to get here – but now it’s all go.  Here’s the Studio number 2. 
Lets hope there isn’t a studio number 3!

It helps to have friends with tractors.  Saturday the walls arrived.

Studio2 building 1

Studio2 building 2

And today the walls went up and they made a start on the roof.

    Studio2 building 3 Studio2 building 4

I went in this evening and marked out the position of the electrical sockets.  You try to get this right, but you know you never will!


I’m going to ask them to build some shelves between those windows and the ones at the front.  As most stuff is in crates now I won’t need all the shelves I had before.  Advantages and disadvantages to both storage systems.



  1. Great progress! My advice is ALWAYS put in more power points than you think you need.

  2. Delighted for you Helen and I second Ali's suggestion :D
